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What Do I Need to Know Before My Second Marriage?


Divorce can be an emotionally difficult experience, and after going through it, some people may choose to never marry again. However, for others, tying the knot once more is something they desire.

In fact, according to the National Center for Family & Marriage Research, the remarriage rate in the U.S. in 2019 was approximately 25.1 remarriages per 1,000 men and women. If you're considering the possibility of marrying again, there are a few things you may need to know beforehand.

1. Be Sure Your Divorce Has Been Finalized

If you are considering remarriage after a divorce in New York, it's important to note that there is no waiting period. However, before tying the knot again, you'll need to confirm that your divorce has been finalized by the court. This involves ensuring that the judge has granted your divorce and that a Final Decree of Divorce has been signed, providing written proof that your divorce is complete.

If you are unsure about the status of your divorce, it is best to wait until you have confirmation before getting remarried. Taking these steps will ensure that you can remarry without any complications or legal issues.

2. Consider Counseling

Entering into your second marriage can feel like an exciting new chapter in your life, but the statistics can be unsettling. According to Forbes, “67% of second marriages end, and 73% of third marriages dissolved.” Therefore, seeking professional help could be the key to a successful union.

Marriage counseling or therapy doesn't have to be a last resort when things feel hopeless. Instead, this can be an opportunity to gain valuable tools and insight that can help keep your relationship strong. In fact, research shows that 70% of couples who seek therapy or counseling see a positive impact on their relationship. By being proactive, you can take steps towards a happy, healthy, and long-lasting marriage.

3. Prioritize Your Children

When entering a second marriage, it's essential to remember that your children will also require your attention alongside your new spouse. Lisa Marie Bobby, a psychologist and clinical director of Growing Self Counseling & Coaching in Denver, explains that the complications of blended family dynamics can often catch people off guard and lead to failed marriages. However, Bobby suggests that with patience and humility, you can overcome these challenges.

A few tips include:

  • Discuss how you want to raise your children. This can include topics such as what each parents’ role will be, how these roles will develop as your children grow, and more. Furthermore, if there are children from both sides, consider how the children should relate to one another.
  • Set boundaries about what should be discussed with children.
  • Recognize that children may take time to adjust to new figures in their lives.

Though blending a family is difficult, maintaining open communication channels, setting clear boundaries, and showing mutual respect to all family members can help create a healthy and harmonious environment for everyone.

4. Consider Finances

Before remarriage, it's wise to carefully consider finances with your partner. Understanding each other's financial past and present can help avoid future conflicts. Plan your financial future together and discuss your financial goals as a couple. Doing so can help you create a solid foundation for a successful and financially responsible relationship.

CNBC gives a few financial considerations before remarrying:

  • Discuss how each person handles finances.
  • Go over pre-marital liabilities and assets.
  • Discuss how you will handle finances together.

In addition, consider seeking the advice of a financial planner or counselor to help guide you in your joint decisions. With a solid plan in place, you can enjoy your new marriage without the added stress of financial disagreements.

5. Consider a Prenup

In addition to discussing finances, you may want to also consider a prenuptial agreement. A prenup is a contract that establishes how your financial assets will be handled in the event of a divorce. By discussing and reaching agreements based on mutual understanding, a prenup can help prevent future disagreements that can often lead to the breakdown of marriages.

While the topic of prenups may not be the most romantic, it is a practical step to ensure financial security and transparency in your relationship. In fact, prenups may be a rising portion of marriages. According to a survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of The New Yorker, “four in 10 U.S. adults support the use of prenups and 35% of those who are unmarried state that they’re likely to sign a prenuptial agreement in the future.” Ultimately, it is important to approach this conversation with openness and honesty, as it can benefit both parties.

6. Work with an Attorney

If you're considering getting remarried, it's important to consult with a lawyer beforehand. Some divorce agreements include provisions that can affect your future marriage.

Examples of divorce agreements that may affect your marriage include:

  • Alimony
  • Child support
  • Custody
  • Inheritance provisions

These agreements may dictate how your estate is distributed to your heirs. Overall, there are many legal matters to navigate when it comes to remarrying. Therefore, it is wise to take advantage of experienced legal advice. Before you walk down the aisle again, make sure to explore all the potential legal issues with your new fiancé and consult with a lawyer to ensure a smooth transition into marriage.

Contact Our Team at the Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC

If you are thinking about getting remarried, it is important to consult with legal professionals who have experience in dealing with family law matters. Remarrying can be an exciting and hopeful time, but there are often legal matters from a past marriage that may impact your future one.

At the Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC, our attorneys have extensive knowledge in handling family law matters such as child custody, child support, visitation, and other aspects that may affect your future marriage. With our guidance, we can provide you with the advice you need to navigate legal matters and ensure that your new marriage starts off on the right foot.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you navigate this complex legal landscape. Schedule with us online or call (845) 605-4330.
