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Summer Break Custody


Typically, when a couple divorces in New York and they have children together, a significant issue that must be addressed is custody. Who will the child live with and where will that be? If parents can’t agree on how custody works, they will need the help of a skilled attorney or the support of the court to create a parenting plan.

Parenting plans will differ from case to case, but there are two main categories. In the first category, one of the parents has full custody, and the noncustodial parent has visitation rights. In the second, the plan provides joint custody over children.

The second will usually include detailed information about how the custody will work. During the majority of the year, the plan will outline when the child spends time with one parent or the other. These plans should also include provisions for holidays and vacations.

In many plans, the schedule established for holidays has priority over the regular weekday, weekend, and summer schedules in the plan. With a few exceptions, the parents will typically alternate holidays every other year. Likewise, vacations will be coordinated in the parenting plan so both parents can plan accordingly with their respective jobs.

The parenting plan ensures each parent will be aware of the other’s travel plans, and both parents will know when best to plan their summer vacations. However, if you’re planning on going out of the state on your vacation, make sure to inform your ex about your plans in advance. These outlines should be as detailed as possible, so it prevents arguments after the divorce is complete. The more structured and predictable it is, the better your child will be able to adjust to the change in circumstances. Stability is often vital for children following a divorce.

If you have concerns about custody during your divorce proceeding, or you need to modify your child custody agreement, give our Dutchess County divorce attorneys a call. We have more than 50 years of combined legal experience to offer your case, and our attorneys can provide knowledgeable, caring, and trial-tested advocacy. Let us see what we can do for you.

Contact us at (845) 605-4330 or fill out our online form to schedule a free, confidential consultation with us today.
