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Ways to Cope with Divorce Around Valentine's Day


While Valentine’s Day is a beloved holiday for lovers to celebrate, this day can be a painful reminder for those who have recently divorced or are in the beginning stages of separating. Seeing other happy couples can be unbearable amidst the emotional turmoil of divorce and can reopen wounds that may have only just begun to heal. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, there are certain steps you can take this year to survive this holiday – and maybe even enjoy it!

1. Give gifts: Instead of being sad about not receiving any gifts from your significant other this year, take it upon yourself to give gifts to those you care about. The fulfilling feeling of giving can lift your spirits and keep your day busy. Plan to hand-deliver as many gifts as you can, allowing you to see your friends and family and let them know how much you care.

2. Plan a single’s night out: You’re not the only person who will be single this Valentine’s Day. Get together a group of your single friends and have a fun night out on the town! Go out to dinner, see a movie, or go dancing. Spend your time with those who you care about and focus on having a good time.

3. Don’t contact your ex: One of the worst things you can do on Valentine’s Day is to dig up painful memories by calling your ex. Give your phone to a friend if you feel tempted. They will let you know if you receive any emergency calls.

4. Volunteer somewhere: Volunteer at a local animal shelter or food pantry to keep your mind off your troubles and help people in need. Charity organizations such as these almost always need the extra help and will appreciate your kindness.

5. Get rid of reminders: Old love notes, text messages, and gifts from your ex can keep you from pressing on with your life after a divorce. If you are struggling to let go of your past relationship this Valentine’s Day, take this day as an opportunity to rid yourself of reminders once-and-for-all. You’ll feel a welcome sense of relief to know that your past is finally behind you.

Skilled Divorce Representation in Dutchess County

If you are approaching a divorce this Valentine’s Day, a knowledgeable Dutchess County divorce attorney from the Law Office of Dennis R. Vetrano, Jr., LLC can protect your interests and help you pursue an amicable resolution to your separation. Having earned a 2015 Avvo Clients’ Choice Award for our unparalleled advocacy, we can provide the compassionate representation you need to help you get through this difficult time.

To find out more about how we can help, call (845) 605-4330 to request a consultation today.
